‫بمناسبة معرض فرانكو تك، بنك الاستثمارات العامة وشركة سواري فينتشرز وشركة فلات6لابز يوقعون مذكرة تفاهم

تم توقيع مذكرة التفاهم بين بنك الاستثمارات العامة وسواري فينتشرز وفلات6لابز في إطار معرض فرانكو تيك للفرانكوفونية والابتكار في ستيشن إف في باريس، على هامش قمة الفرانكوفونية

القاهرة، مصر – EQS Newswire – 11 أكتوبر 2024خلال معرض فرانكو تيك الذي سيقام يومي 3 و4 أكتوبر 2024، في ستيشن إف في باريس، على هامش قمة الفرانكوفونية، أعلن كل من بنك الاستثمارات العامة وسواري فينتشرز وفلات6لابز عن توقيع مذكرة تفاهم تهدف إلى تعزيز العلاقات بين أفريقيا وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط لدعم رواد الأعمال الناطقين بالفرنسية والأفارقة بشكل أفضل في مساعيهم نحو التطوير عبر القارات الثلاث.

يأتي توقيع المذكرة بين بنك الاستثمارات العامة وسواري فينتشرز وفلات6لابز في إطار معرض فرانكو تيك للفرانكوفونية والابتكار في ستيشن إف في باريس، على هامش قمة الفرانكوفونية. يعد الابتكار أحد الأولويات الاستراتيجية لبنك الاستثمارات العامة، بداية من دعم البحث والتطوير إلى تعزيز رأس مال الشركات المبتكرة. تسلط هذه المذكرة الضوء على أهمية الابتكار لجميع الأطراف والأهمية الاستراتيجية لأفريقيا الناطقة بالفرنسية بالنسبة لشركة سواري فينتشرز، التي افتتحت مكتبًا جديدًا لها في داكار بالسنغال هذا العام، بالإضافة إلى مكاتبها في الدار البيضاء والقاهرة.

تأسست شركة سواري فينتشرز في عام 2010، وهي شركة رأس مال استثماري تستثمر في شركات التكنولوجيا الأفريقية في مرحلة النمو والتي تعالج التحديات الإقليمية والعالمية. وقد بنت سواري فينتشرز سجلاً حافلاً من خلال الاستثمار في صناعات رئيسية مثل التكنولوجيا العميقة والتكنولوجيا التعليمية والتكنولوجيا المالية، وكانت رائدة في تطوير منظومة الابتكار المحلية.

تعتبر فلات6لابز أكثر الشركات نشاطًا في مجال إدارة التمويل في المراحل المبكرة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. تمتلك فلات6لابز مكاتب في سبع بلدان، ولديها أكثر من 400 استثمار، ما يقرب من نصفها في إفريقيا، وتدير حوالي ثلاثين برنامجًا لدعم وإنشاء شركات مبتكرة. تعمل سواري فينتشرز وفلات6لابز (المجموعة) على بناء منصة تغطي مجموعة واسعة من التمويل، من مرحلة التمويل الأولي إلى سلسلة B+، مما يساعد في سد الفجوة بين شمال إفريقيا وأفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى من خلال دعم توسع الشركات في كلتا المنطقتين.

يهدف بنك الاستثمارات العامة والمجموعة إلى تعزيز الروابط بين أفريقيا وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط من خلال تسهيل الوصول إلى الأسواق وتطوير الشركات المبتكرة عبر القارات الثلاث. كما يطمحا إلى تحسين الوصول إلى التمويل للشركات المبتكرة التي تتخذ من فرنسا مقراً لها وتسعى إلى التوسع في أفريقيا، وكذلك للشركات الأفريقية التي تجري عمليات البحث والتطوير في فرنسا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يسعى كلاهما إلى تعزيز الشراكات التجارية والتكنولوجية بين الشركات الأوروبية وشركات الابتكار الأفريقية. وأخيرًا، تهدف هذه الشراكة إلى تسريع فرص الاستثمار المشترك بين شركات رأس المال الاستثماري الأوروبية والأفريقية.

يتمثل الهدف من الشراكة في تحديد رواد الأعمال الناطقين بالفرنسية المؤهلين من خلال بنك الاستثمارات العامة ورواد الأعمال الأفارقة المؤهلين من خلال المجموعة الذين يرغبون في التطور في مناطق أوروبا / إفريقيا / الشرق الأوسط. والهدف هو دعم تمويلهم والتطوير التكنولوجي والتجاري لشركاتهم، فضلاً عن تعزيز فرص الاستثمار المشترك بين المستثمرين الأوروبيين وسواري فينتشرز، وخاصة في مجال التكنولوجيا العميقة – وهو قطاع رئيسي كانت سواري فينتشرز رائدة فيه في مصر وأظهرت سجلاً حافلاً في هذا المجال. ولتحقيق هذه الغاية، سيتعاون الشركاء مع إدارات مختلفة داخل بنك الاستثمارات العامة التي تدعم تمويل ريادة الأعمال والابتكار في المنطقة، وكذلك مع المنصة الإلكترونية يورو كويتي، التي أنشأها بنك الاستثمارات العامة لتسهيل الاتصالات بين المستثمرين والشركات ونظمها البيئية على المستويين الأوروبي والدولي.

تربط منصة يورو كويتي الرقمية الشركات النامية التي يدعمها شركاء رائدون – مثل المفوضية الأوروبية، ووكالات التنمية والابتكار، والبنوك، والمجموعات الكبرى – بالمستثمرين وشركاء الأعمال على نطاق عالمي. كما تقدم خدمات تكميلية لتسهيل هذه الروابط وتعزيزها.

إن شراكتنا مع بنك الاستثمارات العامة تعكس التزامنا المشترك بتعزيز العلاقات بين أفريقيا وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط. ونحن نرى المزيد والمزيد من رواد الأعمال من هذه المناطق، وكذلك من جالياتهم، يطلقون شركات ذات طموحات أفريقية وإقليمية لكنهم يفتقرون إلى الوصول إلى الأدوات والشبكات اللازمة للنمو بشكل فعال. ونحن نهدف إلى بناء منصة يمكنها تحديدهم ودعمهم في توسعهم من خلال الاستفادة من الشراكات الرئيسية مع مؤسسات مثل بنك الاستثمارات العامة”. هذا ما قاله هاني السنباطي، المؤسس المشارك في سواري فينتشرز وفلات6لاب.

وأضافت إيزابيل بيبير، مديرة الشؤون الدولية والأوروبية في بنك الاستثمارات العامة، قائلة: “من الضروري تعزيز العلاقات بين النظم البيئية الأوروبية والأفريقية والشرق أوسطية، وخاصة فيما يتعلق بالابتكار والاستثمار، لتحديد فرص التنمية الجغرافية للشركات في هذه المناطق. وهذا على وجه التحديد هو هدف الشراكة بين بنك الاستثمارات العامة وسواري فينتشرز وفلات6لاب”.

نبذة عن بنك الاستثمارات العامة:

يمول بنك الاستثمارات العامة الشركات – في كل مرحلة من مراحل تطورها – بالائتمان والضمانات ورأس المال السهمي. ويدعم بنك الاستثمارات العامة الشركات في مشاريع الابتكار والتنمية الدولية. كما يدعم بنك الاستثمارات العامة أنشطتها التصديرية من خلال مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات. وتعد الاستشارات والجامعات ومد الشبكات وبرامج التسريع للشركات الناشئة والشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم ومؤسسات ETIs جزءًا من الخدمات المقدمة إلى رواد الأعمال. وبفضل بنك الاستثمارات العامة ومكاتبه الإقليمية الخمسين، يستفيد رواد الأعمال من الاتصال الوثيق والفردي والفعال لمساعدتهم على مواجهة تحدياتهم.

لمزيد من المعلومات: www.bpifrance.fr — https://apo-opa.co/3Yg8Eif

تابعونا على X (تويتر سابقًا): بنك الاستثمارات العامة ( (https://apo-opa.co/3NgRGdp ) – بنك الاستثمارات العامة برس ( (https://apo-opa.co/3U1MTQQ

نبذة عن شركة سواري فنتشرز:

تعد شركة سواري فينتشرز شركة رائدة في مجال رأس المال الاستثماري في عموم أفريقيا ومقرها مصر، وتستثمر في شركات التكنولوجيا عالية التأثير في مرحلة النمو. وهي مدعومة بفريق يتمتع بأكثر من 20 عامًا من التعاون، ويشكلون واحدة من أكثر الشراكات استقرارًا في القارة، مع سجل حافل في الاستثمار وريادة الأعمال والتكنولوجيا. تعمل شركة سواري فينتشرز على سد الفجوة بين شمال أفريقيا وأفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى، مما يسهل توسع الشركات بين المنطقتين. لمزيد من المعلومات: https://apo-opa.co/4gUkrdj – تابعونا على لينكد ان @Sawari Ventures

نبذة عن فلات6لابز:

فلات6لابز هي شركة رأس مال استثماري ناشئة ورائدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وتدير حاليًا بعضًا من أشهر برامج الشركات الناشئة في المنطقة. تستثمر فلات6لابز في الشركات الناشئة المبتكرة القائمة على التكنولوجيا، مما يتيح لآلاف رواد الأعمال المتحمسين تحقيق طموحاتهم الجريئة وفي نهاية المطاف يصبحوا مؤسسين مشاركين في هذه الشركات.

لمعرفة المزيد، يرجى زيارة موقع فلات6لابز https://www.Flat6Labs.com/


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31 36 869 78 221+ // 80 35 72 53 7 33+


‫حصلت JustMarkets على جائزة الوسيط الأكثر موثوقية في معرض ‫Forex Expo Dubai 2024

دبي، أكتوبر 2024 – Media OutReach Newswire –
JustMarkets، الشركة الرائدة عالميًا في مجال التداول، أتمت مشاركتها بنجاح في معرض Forex Expo Dubai 2024، أحد أكبر وأعرق الفعاليات في صناعة التداول عبر الإنترنت. أقيم الحدث خلال الفترة من 7 إلى 8 أكتوبر واستقطب أكثر من 20 ألف زائر، وأكثر من 200 عارض، و5000 شركة فوركس. كان لدى JustMarkets جناحها الخاص في المعرض، والذي حظي بشعبية كبيرة واهتمام الزوار.

JustMarkets Awarded Most Reliable Broker 2024

ولكن الحدث الأكثر أهمية وإثارة في المعرض كان منح JustMarkets جائزة الوسيط الأكثر موثوقية لعام 2024. لقد عمل فريقنا بجد لتطوير منتجاتنا وخدماتنا كي نستحق هذه الجائزة.

تحدَّث مُمثِّل JustMarkets في المؤتمر، عن الأحداث الاقتصادية الكلية والجيوسياسية الهامة في السنوات الأخيرة، ووصف رؤية الشركة لمستقبل التداول عبر الإنترنت، والأصول، والتوجُّهات في عام 2025.

ممثلو JustMarkets في معرضForex Expo Dubai ، سلطوا الضوء على ثلاث مزايا رئيسية تجعل خدمات الوسيط ذات قيمة خاصة للعملاء:

  1. فروق الأسعار التنافُسية: تقدم JustMarkets بعضًا من أكثر فروق الأسعار تنافُسية في السوق بالنسبة إلى 90٪ من أدوات التداول، بما في ذلك الفوركس، والعملات الرقمية، والمعادن، والسلع، والأسهم، والمؤشرات. إجماليًا، يمكن للمتداولين تداول أكثر من 260 أداة تداول عبر الأسواق باستخدام منتجات التداول الفعَّالة للشركة.
  2. الرافعة المالية المرنة: توفر JustMarkets للمتداولين واحدة من أعلى الروافع المالية في المجال. يمكن للمتداولين الاستفادة من الرافعة المالية حتى 1:3000 لتعظيم إمكانات التداول، وفتح مراكز أكبر باستثمار مبدئي قليل نسبيًا.
  3. حلول الدفع المحلية: تقدم JustMarkets مجموعة واسعة من وسائل الدفع المحلية، مع العديد من الحلول الاحتياطية للإيداع والسحب. تدرك JustMarkets أهمية الإدارة الكاملة والمريحة لرأس مال العملاء وتوفر جميع الخيارات لجعل ذلك ممكنًا.

لقد منح معرض دبي للزوار الفرصة للتفاعل مع فريق JustMarkets، والتعرُّف على حلول التداول المُبتكَرة للمنصَّة، والمشاركة في المناقشات التفاعلية حول التوجُّهات المالية الجديدة، وتوجُّهات عام 2025. كان الزوار مهتمين بشكل خاص بالميزات المُبتكَرة، والحلول المُخصَّصة التي توفرها JustMarkets لعملائها في التداول عبر الهاتف المحمول.

“نحن ندرك أيضًا أن المتداولين حاليًا يريدون أكثر من مجرد ظروف تداول جيدة – يريدون أدوات فعَّالة للتداول في أي وقت وفي أي مكان. لهذا السبب استثمرت JustMarkets بشكل كبير في تطوير تطبيق جوَّال يجعل التداول أسهل من أي وقت مضى.

يقدم تطبيقنا المحمول: تحليلًا في الرسم البياني في الوقت الفعلي؛ تحديثات فورية للسوق ؛ القدرة على فتح وإغلاق الصفقات بسرعة؛ وظائف الإيداع والسحب تعمل دون انقطاع. بالنسبة للمتداولين حاليًا، الوقت يعني لهم كل شيء، والقدرة على تحليل السوق، واتخاذ قرارات التداول أمر ضروري للنجاح على المدى الطويل.”

بالإضافة إلى العرض التقديمي المُثير، عقد ممثلو JustMarkets مسابقة خاصة للقادمين الجُدُد إلى المعرض. تمكَّن الزوار من تعلُّم أساسيات التداول عبر الإنترنت باستخدام منصة JustMarkets سهلة الاستخدام مع ظروف تداول تنافسية.

كان معرض Forex Expo Dubai 2024 فرصة رائعة لـ JustMarkets للتواصل مع العملاء والشركاء من جميع أنحاء العالم، ومشاركة رؤيتها لمستقبل صناعة التداول النشطِة عبر الإنترنت. تواصل JustMarkets قيادتها لصناعة التداول، وتركِّز على توسيع نطاق وجودة منتجاتها، حيث تظل المهمة الرئيسية للوسيط هي تحقيق رضا العملاء، وأداء العمل بكفاءة،.

نبذة عن JustMarkets:
JustMarkets هي وسيط مُتعدد الأصول، معترف به عالميًا، يُقدِّم خدمات تداول بثقة وشفافية منذ عام 2012. حصلت الشركة على أكثر من 50 جائزة في هذه الصناعة، مما يُظهر تميُّزها في القطاع المالي. تقدم JustMarkets مجموعة متنوعة من أدوات التداول، بما في ذلك الفوركس، والأسهم، والسلع، والمؤشرات، والمعادن، والطاقات، والعملات الرقمية، وتُقدِّم خدماتها للعملاء في أكثر من 160 دولة.

تشتهر الشركة بأسعارها التنافسية، حيث تتميز بفروق أسعار منخفضة وعمولات صفرية. تلبي JustMarkets احتياجات المتداولين الجُدُّد وذوي الخبرة من خلال توفير مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات المُصمَّمة لتعزيز تجربتهم في التداول.

JustMarkets Awarded as Most Reliable Broker in Forex Expo Dubai 2024

DUBAI, UAE – Media OutReach Newswire – 10 October 2024 – JustMarkets, a global leader in trading, has successfully completed its participation in Forex Expo Dubai 2024, one of the largest and most prestigious events in the online trading industry. The event was held during 7-8th October and attracted more than 20,000 visitors, more than 200 exhibitors and 5,000 Forex companies. JustMarkets had its own stand at the exhibition, which enjoyed great popularity and attention of visitors.

JustMarkets Awarded Most Reliable Broker 2024

But the most essential and exciting event at the exhibition was the awarding of JustMarkets as the Most Reliable Broker 2024. Our team has worked hard to improve our products and services to make this award possible.

A representative of JustMarkets was one of the speakers at the conference, mentioning the key macroeconomic and geopolitical events of recent years, describing the company’s vision for the future of online trading and trending assets and trends in 2025.

At Forex Expo Dubai, JustMarkets representatives highlighted three key advantages that make the broker’s services especially valuable to clients:

  1. Competitive Spreads: JustMarkets offers some of the most competitive spreads in the market on 90% of trading instruments, including forex, cryptocurrency, metals, commodities, stocks and indices. In total, traders can trade more than 260 trading instruments across markets with the company’s efficient trading products.
  2. Flexible Leverage: JustMarkets provides traders with one of the highest leverages in the industry. Traders can take advantage of leverage up to 1:3000 to maximize trading potential and open larger positions with a relatively small initial investment.
  3. Local Payment Solutions: JustMarkets offers a wide range of local payment methods with several backup solutions for deposits and withdrawals. JustMarkets understands the importance of full and comfortable management of clients’ capital and provides all the options for this.

Dubai Expo has provided visitors with the opportunity to interact with the JustMarkets team, learn about the platform’s innovative trading solutions, and participate in interactive discussions on new financial trends and trends of 2025. Visitors were particularly interested in the innovative features and customized solutions that JustMarkets offers its clients in mobile trading.

“We also understand that today’s traders want more than just good conditions – they want effective tools to trade anytime, anywhere. That’s why JustMarkets has invested heavily in developing a mobile app that makes trading easier than ever.

Our mobile app offers: real-time chart analysis; instant market updates; the ability to quickly open and close trades; uninterrupted deposit and withdrawal functions. For today’s trader, time is everything, and the ability to analyze the market, make trading decisions is essential for long-term success.”

In addition to an exciting presentation, JustMarkets representatives held a special competition for newcomers to the exhibition. Visitors were able to learn the basics of online trading using the user-friendly JustMarkets platform with competitive trading conditions.

Forex Expo Dubai 2024 was a great opportunity for JustMarkets to connect with clients and partners from all over the world, and to share its vision for the future of the dynamic online trading industry. JustMarkets continues to lead the trading industry and is focused on expanding the range and quality of its products, as customer satisfaction and efficiency remains the key task of the broker.

About JustMarkets
JustMarkets is a globally recognized multi-asset broker providing reliable and transparent trading services since 2012. The company has earned over 50 industry awards, highlighting its excellence in the financial sector. JustMarkets offers a diverse array of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, energies, and cryptocurrencies, serving clients in over 160 countries.

The company is renowned for its competitive pricing, featuring low spreads and zero commissions. JustMarkets caters to both new and experienced traders by providing a wide range of services designed to enhance their trading experience.

JustMarkets Awarded as Most Reliable Broker in Forex Expo Dubai 2024

DUBAI, UAE – Media OutReach Newswire – 10 October 2024 – JustMarkets, a global leader in trading, has successfully completed its participation in Forex Expo Dubai 2024, one of the largest and most prestigious events in the online trading industry. The event was held during 7-8th October and attracted more than 20,000 visitors, more than 200 exhibitors and 5,000 Forex companies. JustMarkets had its own stand at the exhibition, which enjoyed great popularity and attention of visitors.

JustMarkets Awarded Most Reliable Broker 2024

But the most essential and exciting event at the exhibition was the awarding of JustMarkets as the Most Reliable Broker 2024. Our team has worked hard to improve our products and services to make this award possible.

A representative of JustMarkets was one of the speakers at the conference, mentioning the key macroeconomic and geopolitical events of recent years, describing the company’s vision for the future of online trading and trending assets and trends in 2025.

At Forex Expo Dubai, JustMarkets representatives highlighted three key advantages that make the broker’s services especially valuable to clients:

  1. Competitive Spreads: JustMarkets offers some of the most competitive spreads in the market on 90% of trading instruments, including forex, cryptocurrency, metals, commodities, stocks and indices. In total, traders can trade more than 260 trading instruments across markets with the company’s efficient trading products.
  2. Flexible Leverage: JustMarkets provides traders with one of the highest leverages in the industry. Traders can take advantage of leverage up to 1:3000 to maximize trading potential and open larger positions with a relatively small initial investment.
  3. Local Payment Solutions: JustMarkets offers a wide range of local payment methods with several backup solutions for deposits and withdrawals. JustMarkets understands the importance of full and comfortable management of clients’ capital and provides all the options for this.

Dubai Expo has provided visitors with the opportunity to interact with the JustMarkets team, learn about the platform’s innovative trading solutions, and participate in interactive discussions on new financial trends and trends of 2025. Visitors were particularly interested in the innovative features and customized solutions that JustMarkets offers its clients in mobile trading.

“We also understand that today’s traders want more than just good conditions – they want effective tools to trade anytime, anywhere. That’s why JustMarkets has invested heavily in developing a mobile app that makes trading easier than ever.

Our mobile app offers: real-time chart analysis; instant market updates; the ability to quickly open and close trades; uninterrupted deposit and withdrawal functions. For today’s trader, time is everything, and the ability to analyze the market, make trading decisions is essential for long-term success.”

In addition to an exciting presentation, JustMarkets representatives held a special competition for newcomers to the exhibition. Visitors were able to learn the basics of online trading using the user-friendly JustMarkets platform with competitive trading conditions.

Forex Expo Dubai 2024 was a great opportunity for JustMarkets to connect with clients and partners from all over the world, and to share its vision for the future of the dynamic online trading industry. JustMarkets continues to lead the trading industry and is focused on expanding the range and quality of its products, as customer satisfaction and efficiency remains the key task of the broker.

About JustMarkets
JustMarkets is a globally recognized multi-asset broker providing reliable and transparent trading services since 2012. The company has earned over 50 industry awards, highlighting its excellence in the financial sector. JustMarkets offers a diverse array of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, energies, and cryptocurrencies, serving clients in over 160 countries.

The company is renowned for its competitive pricing, featuring low spreads and zero commissions. JustMarkets caters to both new and experienced traders by providing a wide range of services designed to enhance their trading experience.

On the Occasion of the Francotech Exhibition, BPI France, Sawari Ventures, and Flat6Labs Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

The signing of the memorandum between Bpifrance, Sawari Ventures, and Flat6Labs took place within the framework of the FrancoTech exhibition for Francophonie and Innovation at Station F in Paris, alongside the Francophonie Summit

CAIRO, EGYPT – EQS Newswire – 10 October 2024 – During the FrancoTech exhibition held on October 3 and 4, 2024, at Station F in Paris, alongside the Francophonie Summit, Bpifrance, Sawari Ventures, and Flat6Labs announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening ties between Africa, Europe, and the Middle East to better support Francophone and African entrepreneurs in their development across the three continents.

The signing of the memorandum between Bpifrance, Sawari Ventures, and Flat6Labs took place within the framework of the FrancoTech exhibition for Francophonie and Innovation at Station F in Paris, alongside the Francophonie Summit. Innovation is one of Bpifrance’s strategic priorities, from supporting R&D to strengthening the capital of innovative companies. This memorandum highlights the importance of innovation for all parties and the strategic significance of Francophone Africa for Sawari Ventures, which opened a new office in Dakar, Senegal, this year, in addition to its offices in Casablanca and Cairo.

Launched in 2010, Sawari Ventures is a venture capital firm that invests in growth-stage African tech companies addressing regional and global challenges. Sawari Ventures has built a strong track record by investing in key industries such as deeptech, edtech, and fintech, and has been a pioneer in developing the local innovation ecosystem.

Flat6Labs is the most active seed and early-stage fund manager in the MENA region. Flat6Labs has offices in seven countries, with over 400 investments, nearly half of which are in Africa, and operates around thirty programs that support and create innovative companies. Sawari Ventures and Flat6Labs (the “Group”) are building a platform that spans a broad spectrum of financing, from seed stage to Series B+, helping bridge the gap between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa by supporting the expansion of companies in both regions.

Bpifrance and the Group aim to strengthen links between Africa, Europe, and the Middle East by facilitating market access and the development of innovative companies across the three continents. They also aspire to improve access to financing for innovative companies based in France looking to expand into Africa and for African companies conducting R&D or operations in France. Additionally, they seek to foster commercial and technological partnerships between European businesses and African innovation companies. Lastly, this partnership aims to accelerate co-investment opportunities between European and African venture capital firms.

The partnership’s objective is to identify qualified Francophone entrepreneurs through Bpifrance and qualified African entrepreneurs through the Group who wish to develop in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions. The goal is to support their financing and the technological and commercial development of their companies, as well as to promote co-investment opportunities between European investors and Sawari Ventures, particularly in deeptech – a key sector where Sawari Ventures has been a pioneer in Egypt and has demonstrated a strong track record. To achieve this, the partners will collaborate with various departments within Bpifrance that support entrepreneurship and innovation financing in the region, as well as with the online platform EuroQuity, created by Bpifrance to facilitate connections between investors, companies, and their ecosystems at the European and international levels.

The EuroQuity digital platform connects growth companies supported by leading partners – such as the European Commission, development and innovation agencies, banks, and major groups – with investors and business partners on a global scale. It also offers complementary services to facilitate and strengthen these connections.

“Our partnership with Bpifrance reflects our shared commitment to strengthening ties between Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. We see more and more entrepreneurs from these regions, as well as from their diasporas, launching companies with Pan-African and regional ambitions but lacking access to the tools and networks needed to grow effectively. We aim to build a platform that can identify and support them in their expansion by leveraging key partnerships with institutions like Bpifrance,” said Hany Al-Sonbaty, Co-founder of Sawari Ventures and Flat6Labs.

Isabelle Bébéar, Director of International and European Affairs at Bpifrance, added: “It is essential to strengthen ties between European, African, and Middle Eastern ecosystems, particularly in terms of innovation and investment, to identify geographic development opportunities for companies in these regions. This is precisely the goal of the partnership between Bpifrance and Sawari Ventures and Flat6Labs.”

About Bpifrance:

Bpifrance finances companies – at every stage of their development – with credit, guarantees, and equity capital. Bpifrance supports them in their innovation and international development projects. Bpifrance also supports their export activities through a wide range of products. Consulting, university, networking, and acceleration programs for startups, SMEs, and ETIs are also part of the services offered to entrepreneurs. Thanks to Bpifrance and its 50 regional offices, entrepreneurs benefit from close, single, and efficient contact to help them face their challenges.

For more information: www.bpifrance.frhttps://apo-opa.co/3Yg8Eif

Follow us on X (Old Twitter): Bpifrance (https://apo-opa.co/3NgRGdp) – BpifrancePresse (https://apo-opa.co/3U1MTQQ)

About Sawari Ventures:

Sawari Ventures is a leading pan-African venture capital firm based in Egypt, investing in high-impact, growth-stage technology companies. It is backed by a team with more than 20 years of collaboration, forming one of the continent’s most stable partnerships, with a solid track record in investment, entrepreneurship, and technology. Sawari Ventures bridges the gap between North and Sub-Saharan Africa, facilitating the expansion of companies between the two regions.For more information: https://apo-opa.co/4gUkrdj – Follow us on Linkedin @Sawari Ventures

About Flat6Labs:

Flat6Labs is MENA’s leading seed and early-stage venture capital firm and currently manages some of the region’s most renowned start-up programs. Flat6Labs invests in innovative, technology-driven startups, enabling thousands of passionate entrepreneurs to realize their bold ambitions and ultimately become their institutional co-founders.

To find out more, please visit the Flat6Labs website: https://www.Flat6Labs.com/

Georgina NIOM
06 60 81 62 64

+33 7 53 72 35 80 // +221 78 869 36 31

PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) Pioneers Path to Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach Newswire – 10 October 2024 – PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) is setting a bold new standard for sustainability in Thailand’s oil and retail sector, with ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Committed to continuously developing and enhancing all of its businesses, OR not only prioritizes quality and reliability but also places great importance on fostering a cleaner, more sustainable society in every dimension. By driving business, the environment, and the community forward together—both within Thailand and on a global scale—OR aims to demonstrate its potential to grow sustainably on the world stage.

Driven by a clear and comprehensive sustainability strategy known as OR SDG, the company’s mission is anchored on three foundational pillars:

  • S (Small): Creating opportunities for communities
  • D (Diversified): Creating opportunities for diversified growth
  • G (Green): Creating sustainable opportunities

Bringing Sustainability to Life

PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) is committed to sustainability through a series of innovative initiatives that set a new benchmark for corporate responsibility, both in Thailand and internationally, ensuring alignment in the same direction

PTT Station

OR is dedicated to continuously enhancing product and service quality to provide the best consumer experience. Leading in the development of premium fuels, including high-performance, engine-protecting fuels and Euro 5 diesel with less than 10 ppm sulfur to reduce environmental impact, OR also plans to expand the PTT Station network nationwide, as well as in the Philippines, Cambodia, and Laos. This expansion will support both conventional and electric vehicles, using geo-analytics to identify optimal locations. In 2023, the PTT Station Flagship Vibhavadhi 62 was first launched in Thailand, showcasing OR’s commitment to sustainable development for people, communities, and the environment. With over 2,200 stations serving more than 3.4 million patrons daily, PTT Stations aim to be platforms for mobility, lifestyle, and business partnerships to foster mutual growth.

Café Amazon: A New Standard in Sustainability

Café Amazon, goes beyond serving coffee by embodying the principles of the circular economy. Waste materials from Café Amazon, such as coffee husks, are upcycled into functional furniture, Additionally, the OR Ecosystem is utilized throughout Café Amazon value chain. In other countries, similar practices are implemented, including the use of BIO Cup R-PET and staff uniforms produced through upcycling processes. This exemplifies how sustainability can be effectively integrated into business operations.

EV Station PluZ: Driving the Future of Mobility

As Thailand transitions towards electric vehicles (EVs), the promotion of clean energy, such as the adoption of EVs, is continuously growing day by day. Currently, Over 800 EV charging stations have been installed in Thailand, with nearby countries such as Laos having 6 charging stations and Cambodia having 11 charging stations. OR is leading this shift with its EV Station PluZ initiative, aiming to install 7,000 EV charging stations across all 77 provinces in Thailand by 2030. This expansion underscores OR’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and making clean energy solutions accessible nationwide, supporting the growing demand for electric vehicles.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Refueling: Leading Clean Aviation

OR’s collaboration with Thai VietJet marks a significant step toward cleaner aviation. By pioneering the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) produced from used cooking oil, OR helps reduce the aviation industry’s carbon footprint without compromising performance. This innovative fuel can be blended with traditional Jet A-1 fuel and used in aircraft without requiring engine modifications.

Furthermore, OR has initiated and is consistently executing a range of commendable projects in Thailand that are receiving increasing recognition in the Thai market, including:

Thaidet Project: Supporting Local Communities

Thaidet selects and promotes excellent local products from community enterprises and SMEs to be sold at PTT Station. This initiative aims to assist people in communities and showcase the stories and pride of the local people, while also increasing opportunities to distribute products to consumers nationwide. The Thaidet project has been at the forefront of creating jobs and livelihoods for villagers, farmers, and community members for some time now. It has also helped raise the standard of community products to international levels. Over the past 5 years, the project has contributed to income generation and growth for 376 community enterprises, with over 325 branches nationwide. In 2023 the project generated a total income of over 102 million baht.

The Thaidet Project highlights OR’s dedication to supporting local communities by promoting the best local products from community enterprises. providing these products with a platform in PTT Station in Thailand. The project not only elevates local craftsmanship but

also promotes eco-friendly goods, reinforcing OR’s belief that sustainable practices should benefit everyone.

Yak Lak Yim Project: Community-Driven Waste Management

Yak Lak Yim Project encourages responsible waste disposal by inviting consumers to separate their waste and dispose of it in designated bins. Proceeds from selling recyclable materials are reinvested into local communities, creating a positive feedback loop that benefits both the environment and the people. This project reflects OR’s commitment to community-driven sustainability.

PTT Lubricants: Save the World, Save Your Car Campaign
In partnership with PTT Lubricants, OR launched the Save the World, Save Your Car campaign, inviting consumers to recycle used oil containers. These containers are transformed into Wood Plastic Composite materials, used to produce school desks and chairs for underprivileged schools. This initiative promotes recycling while supporting education and sustainability simultaneously.

A Vision for a Sustainable Future

As OR continues to drive progress in business, environmental stewardship, and community development, it remains steadfast in its mission to create a cleaner, more sustainable future for Thailand. With ambitious goals and innovative initiatives, OR is not just leading the journey toward carbon neutrality—it’s redefining corporate responsibility for the 21st century.

About PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR)

PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR), a subsidiary of PTT Public Company Limited (BKK:PTT), focused on integrating energy and retail business operations in Thailand to achieve inclusive growth opportunities for all stakeholders. Committed to excellence and innovation, OR is responsible for the distribution of products and services in both the energy and retail sectors, directly serving consumers and underscoring its leadership in the energy market. Additionally, OR is consistently striving to expand its business opportunities in the global market by leveraging successful business models from Thailand, including PTT Station, Café Amazon, EV Station PluZ, and PTT Lubricants. These models integrate energy management with retail operations, serve as a blueprint for growth in international markets.


One Bangkok: a transformative urban district opening its doors on 25 October 2024


Frasers Property unveils its holistically integrated development in Bangkok, redefining urban living

  • One of Thailand’s largest private sector developments, One Bangkok, with an investment value of USD3.2 billion, features world-class facilities, including premium office towers, luxury and lifestyle hotels and residences, and dynamic retail experiences.
  • Designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), the district features permanent public sculptures by Anish Kapoor and Tony Cragg; it also hosts Thailand’s first Ritz Carlton, Andaz, and Mitsukoshi supermarket and food hall.
  • Positioned to elevate Bangkok as an international hub for shopping, business, tourism, and the arts, with a vibrant cultural landscape. 

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach Newswire – 8 October 2024 – One Bangkok, a landmark project presented by TCC Assets (Thailand) Co., Ltd and Frasers Property Holdings (Thailand), is a holistically integrated development centrally located in the heart of Bangkok’s Central Business District. It will open its doors to the public on 25 October 2024. Situated on approximately 17 hectares of prime real estate, One Bangkok is one of the largest private sector developments in Thailand and aims to be ‘The Heart of Bangkok’, and the centrepiece of Bangkok’s future.

The development comprises three dynamic retail experiences, five premium office towers that offer unparalleled work-life quality, five luxury and lifestyle hotels, including Bangkok’s first Ritz-Carlton and Andaz. Additionally, it boasts three upscale residential towers and a vibrant arts and culture scene, all set within 8 hectares of welcoming, sprawling greenery.

One Bangkok is a testament to Frasers Property’s multinational expertise and experience in creating vibrant, integrated developments. The holistically integrated project, with an investment value of USD 3.2 billion, has been created with the ambition to become an integral part of Bangkok’s identity and a place that resonates deeply with its people, establishing Bangkok as one of the world’s influential global cities.

A Vision for the Future

“One Bangkok embodies our vision for the future of Bangkok as a global hub for business, tourism and investment. By seamlessly blending world-class facilities with cutting-edge sustainability and innovation, we are not just creating a must-visit destination for everyone living in or visiting Bangkok – we are reshaping the future of urban living. Bangkok’s potential as an international business and tourism hub is immense, and One Bangkok is poised to play a pivotal role in driving its growth, attracting talent, global investors, and visitors from around the world,” said Panote Sirivadhanabhakdi, Group Chief Executive Officer of Frasers Property Limited.

The Rhythmic Retail Experience at One Bangkok

The comprehensive development features three interconnected retail experiences – The Parade, The STOREYS (both open 25 October) and POST 1928 (to open in the next phase). Each offers a unique blend of shopping, dining, beauty, health, wellness and entertainment, catering to diverse preferences. The district will also be home to Thailand’s first “MITSUKOSHI DEPACHIKA”- the newest food destination for Japanese & international groceries and food hall with the one-of-a-kind concept of Japanese “DEPACHIKA”. Beyond the three retail experiences, One Bangkok Retail pulsates with local pride and global appeal. ‘Made in One Bangkok’ showcases Thai craftsmanship and creativity with unique experiences, exclusively designed for One Bangkok.

The ‘Food Loop’ with the concept of an “All Day, Everyday Dining Journey”, houses 250 dining options over a 1.5 km stretch ranging from legendary fine dining restaurants to vibrant street food, creating a one-stop destination suited to every palate.

Elevating Bangkok’s Cultural Landscape

Art takes centre stage at One Bangkok with the ‘Art Loop’, a 2 km pathway that winds its way through the development, featuring diverse artworks and comprehensive programmes. One Bangkok will soon unveil permanent public sculptures including the works of world-renowned artists Anish Kapoor and Tony Cragg.

A Lush Urban Green in the Heart of Bangkok

Built on three development principles of People-Centricity, Green Sustainability and Smart City Living, One Bangkok prioritises visitors’ experience, with people being central to every decision. Every detail, from the intuitive layout to the abundance of green spaces, is carefully crafted to enhance everyday life.

One Bangkok’s masterplan is designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), a globally acclaimed architectural firm known for iconic structures such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. SOM has infused its expertise in sustainability, efficiency, and human-centred design into every element of One Bangkok.

With a remarkable 50% of its total land area dedicated to open and green spaces, the district breathes life into the city, offering a refreshing respite from the urban bustle. The development seamlessly connects the city’s two green ‘lungs’, Lumphini Park and Benjakitti Park, creating an interconnected network of green spaces that improves air quality and promotes biodiversity, thus fostering a healthier, more sustainable urban environment.

Scott Duncan, Design Partner at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) said: “Designing One Bangkok goes beyond creating buildings—we’ve crafted an ecosystem where nature is integral to the experience. The green spaces are not an afterthought; they flow seamlessly throughout the development, enhancing well-being and fostering a deeper connection between people and the city.”

Sustainability is at the core of the project, boasting cutting-edge and future-proof green smart technologies that deliver environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions to enhance every aspect of the urban experience.

One Bangkok aims to set a new standard for sustainable urban development in Thailand in line with Bangkok 250, a visionary roadmap for the city’s 250th anniversary in 2032 to elevate Bangkok’s global standing through infrastructure advancements and suitability initiatives.

Its commitment to innovation has earned One Bangkok double Platinum certifications for both WiredScore and SmartScore respectively, the first real estate project in Thailand to achieve this milestone. One Bangkok is also the first project in Thailand to be awarded the prestigious LEED for Neighbourhood Development Platinum certification.



Bangkok’s Most Prestigious Business Addres

Designed to set a new standard for the workplace of the future and enhance the quality of life and well-being of office workers, One Bangkok offers a prestigious address for leading Thai and global companies seeking high-quality office spaces. The development includes five premium office towers, three of which are already operational: One Bangkok Tower 3, One Bangkok Tower 4, and One Bangkok Tower 5. Key features of the offices include touchless and seamless technology that enhance the convenience in daily work-life experience, creating a conducive environment for productivity. The office floors also feature a wide and continuous open layout allowing for more dynamic and collaborative work environments. One Bangkok offers the most complete workplace with unrivalled amenities around its mixed-use district, including direct access to Lumphini MRT Station and six entrances and exits on Wireless and Rama IV Roads.

To date, leading multinationals such as Baker McKenzie, Estee Lauder Companies, and BMW Group Thailand, among others have chosen to locate their offices to One Bangkok.

Views of the Bangkok Skyline Like Never Before

One Bangkok elevates experiences to a new perspective, offering breath-taking panoramas of the iconic Bangkok skyline that serves as a stunning backdrop.

With its opening scheduled for 25 October 2024, One Bangkok invites everyone to experience the future of urban living. It is a bold statement of innovation, sustainability, and community— where life, work, and play converge in the heart of Bangkok.

For more information about One Bangkok, please visit onebangkok.com.